Sarah Albon, Chief Executive and Richard Jeffers, Chief of Staff from Health and Safety Executive of Great Britain (HSE), accompanied by Jin-Long Ju, Deputy Director General of Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Ministry of Labor to visit Institute of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Labor (ILOSH) at 10:00 am on October 19, 2022. The ILOSH Acting Chairperson, Ming-Jen Chen hosted and presided over the meeting to introduce issues related to the research outcomes of occupational safety and health in Taiwan. Furthermore, HSE Staff visited the Labor Safety and Health Experience Center of the ILOSH. Acting Chairperson Chen expressed his welcome to the visit of the HSE to ILOSH. He also explained in detail the questions raised by the Sarah Albon, Chief Executive of HSE. He hoped that through this discussion and exchange, the HSE Staff can understand that Taiwan's Occupational safety and health work is professional and hardworking, and it is indistinguishable from the advanced countries in the world. The ILOSH can also grasp the latest control measures of advanced countries and recommend these measures to be adopted into Taiwan's occupational safety and health regulations to protect workers’ safety and health.
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- Last updated:111-11-23
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