

  • 發布日期:110-07-01

勞動部勞動與職業安全衛生研究所(勞安所)為慶祝與比利時天主教魯汶大學(KU Leuven)之勞動及社會研究所(HIVA)完成簽訂合作協議 (Cooperation Agreement),於本(110)年7月1日透過遠距視訊會議,辦理「中華民國(台灣)勞動部與比利時天主教魯汶大學代表所屬之勞動及社會研究所簽署合作協議視訊慶祝會議」。雙方並達成於今(110)年11月在台灣辦理第一屆勞動趨勢研討會,111年於歐洲辦理高階會談。

本次慶祝儀式由我方主辦,我方由勞安所何俊傑所長為簽署代表,魯汶大學則由校長Luc Sels教授與勞動及社會研究所所長Hootegem教授為簽署代表,共同在勞動部林三貴次長、臺灣駐歐盟兼駐比利時代表處代表蔡明彥大使,以及比利時台北辦事處文浩德處長之共襄盛舉下,順利完成慶祝儀式。




Taiwan Ministry of Labor (MOL) Signs Cooperation Agreement with HIVA at KU Leuven to Embrace the Mutual Research Collaboration on Labors’ Occupational Safety and Health


The Ministry of Labor, Taiwan (ROC) and KU Leuven, Belgium, on behalf of its Research Institute for Work and Society (HIVA) signed a Cooperation Agreement and held a virtual meeting on 1 July 2021 in celebration of this new partnership. Both parties also agreed to hold the first Labor Trends Seminar in November this year, and a high-level meeting in Europe in 2022.

Taiwan’s Ministry of Labor is the organizer of this celebration ceremony. Chairperson Ho Jiune-Jye of the Institute of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health (ILOSH) represented Taiwan in signing the agreement, while KU Leuven was represented by Rector Luc Sels and Prof. Hootegem, General Director of HIVA. Officials and honorable guests from the Ministry of Labor, Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium, and the Belgium Office Taipei together witnessed the ceremony and celebrated the completion of the Cooperation Agreement.

According to San-Quei Lin, the Vice Minister of Ministry of Labor, Europe plays a leading role in labor relations and labor conditions globally, so a lot of policy-planning and research experience in Europe are of valuable policy-making reference for Taiwan. It is also due to this reason that in recent years, Taiwan has actively promoted labor exchange and cooperation with the EU. Meanwhile, HIVA, the Research Institute for Work and Society at KU Leuven has long been dedicated to research on national labor policy development, integrating knowledge and expertise in sociology, economics, politics, education, psychology, and engineering to gain insights into labor issues under globalization and technological trends. We hope that under the framework of this cooperation agreement, we can learn from KU Leuven's experience and vision to help strengthen the foundation of labor policies in Taiwan.

Chairperson Ho further commented that through this Cooperation Agreement with HIVA at KU Leuven, the Institute of Labor, ILOSH hopes to strengthen its research capacity so as to provide more occupational safety and health protection for all workers. This cooperation agreement focuses on two major areas of labor relations and labor administration, with the goal of promoting international research and enhancing the effectiveness of practical applications. The agreement covers four major aspects, including regular bilateral meetings, staff exchange programs, internship and training opportunities for both sides, and the translation and information sharing of publications. As a governmental think tank and research body, ILOSH has accumulated rich research experience in related fields and is committed to continuing to devote resources to keep up with cutting-edge studies, align with international practices, and formulate effective policy recommendations.







  • 發布單位:勞工安全衛生展示館
  • 更新日期:110-07-01
  • 點閱次數:

